
Eviso are committed to making sure that all environmental impacts are considered in everything we do. We recognise how important sustainability is and look at every option to best support the wellbeing of the environment and the local economy.

Our in-house delivery fleet use the latest adblue vehicles (Euro 6 Variant D) reducing the impact of harmful NOx emissions into the atmosphere by 67%, ensuring all our fleet is ULEZ compliant.

Our data warehouse provided by AWS is carbon neutral.

All lighting within our 250,000(sqft) northern warehouse internal & external has been converted to the latest ‘LED motion detect lighting’ to reduce emissions and wasted electricity.

Our Platinum delivery service ensures all waste cardboard is 100% recycled and reused in partnership with our waste management providers.

This year we continue to improve, recycling 210 metric tons of cardboard so far.

All plastics and aluminium are 100% recycled and re-used by our waste management providers.

This year to date Moda have recycled 30 metric tons of aluminium.


Our Commitment

  • Our growing national showroom portfolio will each house electrical charging points included so our customers and colleagues can share our commitment to support the climate emergency.
  • We understand how the use of plastics in the manufacture of our rattan furniture impacts the environment longer term. Supporting research into safe recycling and ongoing development of safer plastics well help make our business more sustainable and in global terms, more environmentally friendly.
  • We want our business of the future, its employees and their families to have a safe, green world to live in. Through our partnership with the Manchester City of Trees, we will show our support to address the climate emergency, whilst helping the city we love, thrive.
  • By 2022 we will be adding electric vehicles into our delivery fleet to reduce our carbon footprint further

Our people

  • Our colleagues and the communities we operate in have supported our continued success. We are committed to being a responsible employer and a positive contributor to our local communities.
  • We will do this through our recruitment activities and outreach partnerships, which will stretch across Greater Manchester and the national communities we serve.
  • Our workforce are a fundamental part of our success. Through high levels of engagement, continuous professional development and support to improve their health and wellbeing, we are committed to ensuring we have a strong and diverse workforce which will continue to share and prosper from our continued growth.
  • Moda operates a global supply chain providing meaningful, skilled employment in a number of geographical locations. We therefore rely on the safeguarding processes of our agents and suppliers to ensure that the rights of employees and contractors are upheld and instances of Modern Day Slavery do not occur within our supply chain.
  • Our Board and Senior Management Team are committed to ensuring all of our contractors and employees across our supply chain are treated fairly. With the support of our HR, Product, and Buying team, we closely monitor all aspects of our supply chain to ensure high standards are maintained.

Equality, diversity & inclusion

Moda is committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion among our workforce, and eliminating unlawful discrimination.

The aim is for our workforce to be truly representative of all sections of society and our customers, and for each employee to feel respected and able to give their best.

The organisation - in providing goods and/or services and/or facilities - is also committed against unlawful discrimination of customers or the public.